First Party Insurance Litigation

First Party Insurance Litigation

“First Party” insurance claims are those that are made directly by a policy holder to their insurance company. For example, an individual with homeowner’s insurance that protects against fires would file a claim with their insurance company to cover resulting fire damage and repairs. If the claim is honored, the insurance company should then compensate the homeowner according to the specific terms stated in the policy.

Knowing the exact terms and what is covered under your insurance policy is extremely important. Simply trusting the insurance company when they choose to deny your claim or issue payments may be misguided. In order to save money, they often deny your claim for a variety of reasons that may not be valid. If they do this, they may be acting in bad faith and breaching the contract that they made. You may have the right to take legal action and fight for the compensation that you are rightfully owed. Our team at Irons Law Group will aggressively pursue all legal avenues against your insurance company to recover what you rightfully deserve for the damage sustained by your property.