Employment Law and Employment Litigation

Employment Law and Employment Litigation

Employment laws exist on the federal and state levels to ensure that employees are compensated fairly and protected from unlawful discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Unfortunately, too many employers violate these laws and workers suffer as a result. If your employer has violated an employment law, you have legal rights to recover for any financial losses or other harm you may have suffered. Employees should never have to deal with wage and hour violations, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or any other type of wrongful actions in the workplace. Victims of such actions have legal recourse under employment laws to receive compensation for their suffering.

Taking legal action against an employer can be a daunting task. Fortunately, the experienced attorneys at the Irons Law Group are here to fight for employees who believe their employment rights have been violated. We will evaluate your situation, advise you of your options, and stand up for your rights throughout the legal process. Please call us for a free consultation if you believe that your employer has treated you unlawfully or unfairly in any way. Whether you want to file a claim with the state, file a lawsuit, or simply want to discuss your options, our attorneys are here to help.